PFLAG Hartford
Meets the third Wednesday of each month
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street
(use Woodland St entrance)
For more information, call 860.785.0909 or email info@pflaghartford.org.
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Support Groups
Meets the third Wednesday of each month
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street
(use Woodland St entrance)
For more information, call 860.785.0909 or email info@pflaghartford.org.
Support group and social network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young adults ages 13 through 18.
Meets on the first Sunday of the month
One-hour discussion circle followed by two hours of social time.
For more information:
860.278.4163 / info@hglhc.org
Q Plus support programs are youth-led and facilitated with support and supervision from Q Plus staff members and are open youth ages 13-19.
For more information:
Support Groups
For more information:
860.278.4163 / info@hglhc.org
A professionally facilitated support group for transsexual individuals, The Twenty Club offers a non-judgmental environment to explore issues and concerns that matter to them.
For more information:
860.278.4163 / info@hglhc.org
Business Information
Providing valuable business development opportunities, financial access, and educational resources to LGBTQ+ and allied businesses in the greater Connecticut area.
For more information:
Health Care
The Health Collective provides medical, dental, and support services to the LGBTQIA+ and broader communities of Connecticut, serving clients of all genders and gender identities, sexual orientations, ages and ethnicities
WebsiteThe Center for Gender Health under the Behavioral Health Network provides safe, sensitive, comprehensive, coordinated care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) community, regardless of where the patient enters the system.
For more information:
860.545.7009 / CenterForGenderHealth@hhchealth.org
132 Jefferson Street, Hartford
This site includes research articles, helpful websites, links to organizations, and legal and healthcare resources.